Caravan Shoppe

Canvas Poster Frame

Canvas frame for Caravan Halloween Print
Fall is in the air and Caravan’s Halloween Giant Wall Art is the perfect way to get your house in the festive mood. I have a nice tall wall with a stone facade around my fireplace. It’s a great spot for a giant poster, but its difficult to keep a poster taped to the rocks, especially if I want to keep the poster nice enough to use again.

With this DIY frame you can easily switch out your posters when ever you like. Wall art ready for hanging all over your house.

48″ x 36″ Halloween Chalk Art Poster
4 18″ x 24″ canvases (I picked mine up in a 4 pack at Walmart for $15.)
Staple gun and staples

Canvas poster frame Halloween art

Set your blank canvases, face side down, to measure 48″ x 36″. Use your  handy staple gun to staple the canvases together. The more staples the better. When all four sides are connected, carefully flip the four connected canvases over and staple the other side together. You now have a giant canvas ready for your poster.
Trim up the edges of your poster and center it on your canvas. With your staple gun, carefully staple the poster down in the four corners. Leave the poster as is, or add a little decorative tape around the edges for a little flare. Set your poster up in it’s new home and enjoy!

Written by Nikki from The Salty Pineapple

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