Caravan Shoppe

Thankful Feathers

Thankful Feathers and Thanksgiving chalk art

November always brings about a thankful heart in all of us. Every year, I like to take time to write down the things I’m thankful for. This year, using the feathers from the Give Thanks Dining Set, I turned my personal tradition into a great Thanksgiving decoration and created a family tradition that I hope sticks around forever! My family and I used pens to write down the things we were grateful for on each feather, then strung them up by our kitchen table to help remind ourselves of the things we often take for granted.

Writing on feathers

To make this gratitude garland yourself, print off multiple pages of the feathers and cut them all out. I left my feathers in a jar with pens for my family to write on the feathers as they felt inspired. You could leave your jar of feathers out and fill them out over time, or fill them all in together at once over dinner or during a special night as a family. You could also leave your feathers close to the front door and have guests fill them out as the visit.


Write down everything you can think of that you’re thankful for! You’ll be surprised all the amazing things our lives are filled with. The items on our gratitude feathers range from family, friends, and faith, to dishwashers, chocolate, and the internet. Once you are done, hang them somewhere you will see often: by the dining table, in an entryway, or in the family room. This also looks great displayed with one of the posters from the Chalk it Up Dining Set. (Also, check out the Full to Bursting Thanksgiving Kit. It has everything you could possibly want to print for this holiday and for a sweet price.)

Hanging Feathers

Seeing this string of feathers full of the things my family is grateful for has really made this Thanksgiving season more real. We may even save these feathers and add more next year! Can you imagine what this string would look like after five years? It would be amazing!

Written by Krista from Lazy Saturdays

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