Caravan Shoppe

Monster Sticker Tags

Q: What’s better than a caramel apple?

A: A monster caramel apple!

Halloween Tags

Gather your little ones and enlist their help for an afternoon of making caramel apples and monster sticker tags. Print the monster tags, from the Monster’s “Say Roar” kit, on sticker paper in black and white. Carefully cut out all the fun little monsters, and let your own little monsters color away.


You can easily cut our your own tags, or use store bought tags, and add the stickers you colored for a “Roaring” good time.

Packaged up goodies

Package up your caramel apples, which can be monsterfied with some candy eyes and a few sour worms, in cellophane bags. Tie on your monster tags and you a spooktacular treat to share with your friends.

Written by Nikki from the Salty Pineapple

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